Alongside the team at See Saw Creative, I played a crucial part in the brand development of the one and only Rangers Football Club. Created to support their step into a digital era, the development of their existing brand was guided by their ‘Ready’ motto – we aimed to amplify their brand values and visually position Rangers as the global giant it is.
We restored precision to their age-old ‘Ready’ crest, then took to the Lion Rampant, deciding to redraw this and truly modernise the brand from the ground up. This detailed development presents a far more fierce, relentless quality to their brand, whilst allowing us to introduce a Lioness Rampant – a first for the club – to support Rangers Womens’ Team with its own sub-identity. Further elements were adapted and modernised, including the finer details of the Rangers badge, promoting ultimate legibility, clarity and confidence in the brand evolution.
Released to a passionate fan-base across the world, the brand evolution has provided Rangers with a new lease of life as they continue their global growth, now rolling this out across all Rangers sub-brands.
Project Summary
Visual Identity
See Saw